TheFlenser — Home — Talking To Ghosts


Episode 196 - Vile Creature

This week on the Talking to Ghosts podcast we have doom metal duo (debateably a 9-piece, actually) Vile Creature! We were excited to talk to them after the recent release of their Kitty "Paperdoll" cover for The Flenser Nu Metal compilation, which is available now for digital purchase or as part of The Flenser's Series 3 subscription.

Vile Creature is a great band with great folks. Michael was made to watch The Pagemaster film, we performed a focus group regarding the Juicy Mosh Shorts, and talked a lot about how to make time for creativity while also running a business.

For more information about Vile Creature, check out thier official website. Their newest full length, "Glory, Glory! Apathy Took Helm!" is available via their Bandcamp.

Talking to Ghosts is recorded and produced by Michael Kurt and Wesley Mueller.

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Episode 170 - Sprain (At Home)

This week on the podcast we have Alex Kent from Sprain! We talked about the dramatic dynamics of classical composers, using impressionistic thinking to write, and what it means to be in (and outside of) a genre.

Sprain’s new album, As Lost Through Collision, is out now on The Flenser.

Also on this episode we talked about How you should register to vote now if you live in Oregon or Washington, and PICA’s Time-Based Arts Festival.

Artists mentioned in this episode’s TBA:20 section:

“At Home” episodes are being recorded and released during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Talking to Ghosts is produced and recorded by Michael Kurt and Wes Mueller.

Episode 141 - Elizabeth Colour Wheel

This week on Talking to Ghosts we have the emotional doom band Elizabeth Colour Wheel! We talked about living and working in DIY spaces, finding your own politics in DIY, and being careful and respectful of the emotional strength the band puts out. 

Elizabeth Colour Wheel have a debut album out now on The Flenser called "Nocebo." Lane is also featured on the new Drowse Mini-LP, which is available for pre-order

Talking to Ghosts is produced and recorded by Michael Kurt and Wes Mueller. Our wonderful 5-year anniversary cover art is by Alicia Gaines of the band Ganser. 

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Episode 132 - Drowse

This week on Talking to Ghosts we have Kyle Bates from the experimental ambient band Drowse. We talk about his artist residencies in both Iceland and Japan, working within the curation of The Flenser, and getting past self doubt.

Drowse has a new album called Light Mirror coming out on June 7th!